Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Welcome to the Start of Something Good

Today is the beginning of a new blog site for The American Legion Post 321 of Cooper City, Florida. As the new webmaster for their site, I thought this might be a good addition to allow people, whether they are members or not, to converse openly and share photographs.

For now, only the test website,, will have this feature available. If others wish to participate please feel free. If you just want to 'test' the system, please do so. For now this is just an attempt to see if this service works.

Should this blog site become popular we'll probably need to set some rules. But, for right now there are no rules. I'd like to ask that entries refrain from using profanity and political statements to a low roar.

Give me a shout-out at if you have any ideas, complaints, or need help. Keep in mind that I'm in a learning process also.

Have fun, Jim McLeod


  1. There's nothing more frustrating than trying something new and not getting the results you expect. In this case it actually seems to be working. Go figure...

  2. Probably most of today will be spent seeking a way to embed this blog app into AL Post 321 website.
